Find a Job Model FAQ's

1. What are job types?

Ans: Job types are Medium and Long for which the MRE is eligible for.

2. How quickly I can get hired?

Ans: As the volume of Fresher, Experts and Recruiters increase the volume of jobs will also increase.

3. How will I get compensated after assignment completed?

Ans: Our target is to accommodate only Experts on our platform, so any company opt to choose Experts only will come to our platform, so you don’t have to wait between the assignment or waiting period will be less. However, if you opt for Medium job type we suggested you charge twice the normal rate which is good enough to compensate the waiting period.

4. Am I eligible for permanent job?

Ans: No on our platform, as the royalty to the Expert depends on your job type.

5. What if I want only permanent job?

Ans: Our platform doesn’t support permanent jobs for Fresher and MRE’s. The reason our platform is been built mainly for building MRE’s with the help of Experts who should benefit.

6. So, I can not go for permanent job anytime?

Ans: Well you can but not our platform as a Fresher or MRE. But after 60 booking months on our platform, when you are converted to working Expert, you can. Refer to working Experts section for the benefits you may lose.

7. When do I convert to Expert/Coach to be eligible for a permanent job and short assignments?

Ans: After 60 booking months on our platform. If you opt out of our platform in between, that period is not counted.

8. What is booking month?

Ans: Booking months is considered as 20 billable days.

9. How do I decide my rate card?

Ans: You will choose your own rate card based on the job type. No recruiter can negotiate on your rate as the whole hiring process is automated.

10. How the payment cycle works?

Ans: All the payments between companies and Expert will take place through capacious.

11. Does Capacious fix the rate tables for Temporary jobs?

Ans: NO, Capacious will allow the Expert to choose their own rates.

12. Why temporary jobs rates quoted higher than normal?

Ans: Not necessary, but we recommend charging 2 times of market value above six months to less than 12 Months, 1 time of market value in above 12 months.

13. Does Capacious deduct any % of rates the Expert have set?

Ans: NO, 100% set value will be collected from the customer and paid to the Expert after-tax deductions.

14. Are the payments done on monthly basis?

Ans: Back to back payments.

15. Incase customer not paying, will Capacious pays to Candidate?

Ans: No, but it's our responsibility to fight with the customer legally to get your payment.

16. Can I opt all Temporary job types?

Ans: YES, you are eligible for Medium and long job types. Recruiters can pick you only for one assignment at a time.

17. What is the consequence if no show to interview, Performance issue, and denial of offers?

Ans: Feedback of interview performance (or) not showing up for the scheduled interview (or) Denying an offer after it was released will be reflected on your profile which results in your profile deactivation for certain time duration, which in turn reflects on booking months.